Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
O Level Schedule
Science (Chemistry) @ 1430hrs
Please pray for Kai Lin
21 October 2008
English Language Paper 1 @ 1430hrs
English Language Paper 2 @ 1700hrs
Please pray for Kai Lin, Sindy & Kit Meng
23 October 2008
Combine Humanties (Geography Elective) @ 1430hrs
Please pray for Kit Meng
24 October 2008
Mathematics Paper 1 @ 0800hrs
Please pray for Kai Lin, Sindy & Kit Meng
28 October 2008
Combine Humanties (History) @ 1400hrs
Please pray for Kai Lin
29 October 2008
Science (Physics) @ 1400hrs
Please pray for Kai Lin
30 October 2008
Mathematics Paper 2 @ 0800hrs
Please pray for Kai Lin, Sindy & Kit Meng
31 October 2008
Principles Of Accounts (Rev) Paper 2 @ 0800hrs
Principles Of Accounts (Rev) Paper 1 @ 1045hrs
Please pray for Kit Meng
3 November 2008
Combine Humanties (Social Studies) @ 1400hrs
Please pray for Kai Lin & Kit Meng
4 November 2008
Food & Nutrition @ 1400hrs
Please pray for Kai Lin
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
First, we starts with ice-breaker the 口香糖 game.
Then with some station games.
1st station We have to rub the soap on ourselves.
2nd station We have to apply wax & powder on ourselves.
3rd station We have to pick out all mentos from a tray of sauce using our mouth.
Next up is the captain's ball games.
Not only using ball but also items like cabbage, bananas & CHICKEN!!
The last game on the beach is water bomb game.
Aim is to destroy our opponent's flag using our water bomb.
I guess everyone had fun during the showdown right?
Seeing how united & ra our cell group were.
Many friends have came like Gary, Shena, Li Shan, Alicia, Lucus, Jeremy, Brian, Zi Ling, Ai Yun, Ivan, Colin & David.

Monday, October 20, 2008
Chinese (With Hanyu Pinyin)
Dang ni shi qu le meng xiang
Qing ai de peng you
Qing ni bu yao shi wang
Dang ni shi qu le fang xiang
Qing ai de peng you
Qing ni bu yao ju sang
Jiu rang wo men ting zhi bao yuan he pang huang
Yi qi lai chong xiang wei lai de xi wang
Zhi yao ni yong xin guan gai
Zhi yao ni nai xin deng dai
Zhong zi jiu ding hui fa ya cheng zhang
Yi li miao xiao de sha zi
Ke yi kan jian quan shi jie
Yi dian wei ruo de zhu guang
Zai hei han zhong fa chu guang mang
Yi ke xi wang de zhong zi
Ke yi yong you pian sen lin
Wo men de zhang xing de wei lai
Jiu ji jiang yao chu hang
English Version Lyrics
When you have lost your dream
Dear friend
Please do not lose your hope
When you have lost your direction
Dear friend
Please do not be in despair
Let's not grumble and wander
Let's reach out to our future with hope
As long as you let it grow
As long as you patiently endure
A seed will surely grow
A tiny grain in the soil
Will still be able to see the world
Even a weak ray of light
Can still shine in the midst of darkness
A seed filled with hope
Can possess a forest
Our brand new destiny
Is getting ready to set sail.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
ABCs of High Achievers
B elieve in yourself and your goals, and then begin to strive for them.
C ount your blessings, create opportunities, and commit to faith-driven action.
D ream big dreams, design a plan, and dedicate yourself to excellence.
E nergize yourself with positive thoughts, and expect daily miracles and victories.
F ollow through with faith-driven action, and forgive mistakes of the past.
G ive time, energy and extra effort, and give thanks for all that you have and will receive.
H old on to your dreams with desire and faith through the long winters of life.
I magine yourself as successful, and release thoughts of fear that would limit you.
J ourney out of your comfort zone to acquire new knowledge and greater rewards.
K eep moving forward little by little, gaining new wisdom and courage each day.
I mplement strategies that work, and toss those that don't work.
L ove yourself enough to take good care of you so that you'll be able to take care of those you love.
M ake room for the most important things first, and move into action when the time is right.
N egotiate with others so that everyone wins.
O pen the eyes of your spirit, and see the good in others and in life.
P ractice the skills needed to propel you to the level of excellence.
Q uestion things you may need to remove, and increase energy by living in a stress-free environment.
R ecognize favorable circumstances, ride each wave with courage, and rest to renew your energy.
S tand firm on your commitment to excellence. Seek out the people and information that can help you succeed.
T hank God for all blessings, take control of your time, and tackle each problem with integrity.
U ncover your talents, unleash your creative spirit, and unite with God's purpose for your life.
V isualize your objectives as already achieved, and give thanks for their attainment.
W ake up to each new day of adventure, and wash out negative thoughts with positive prayers.
X cel by examining your results daily, and making adjustments in your actions as needed.
Y ield to your purpose and values, living each day with the faith and knowledge that you were created as a unique and valuable person.
Z ero in on your targets, and move toward them with desire, dedication, commitment, and faith.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A Shot To Fame!
Monday, October 6, 2008
4 October 2008
Here goes the game.
Irene: 口香糖
Us: 粘什么
Irene: 粘你的肚子在那个橱
Then all of us will stick our tummy to the cupboard.
Here's the forfeit.
Drinking a cup of water mixed with orange juice, vinegar, salt & pepper.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Serangoon & Hougang Amazing Race
Station 1
Clue: Place where grandfather met the captain and EAT at the golden M.
Answer: Hougang Mall
Task: "shi zi lu kou"
The food must starts with:
#1 Gan _____
#2 ________
#3 ________
#4 ________
#5 Cai______
#6 ________
#7 ________
#8 ________
#9 Yuan____
* The team that spent the least amount have bonus points.
Station 2
Answer: Hougang POINT
a. Send 3 representatives into the restaurant and offer the clear one table for the customers provided they have finished their food. [Take a video of the person clearing the table.]
b. Find a stranger whose name starts with the alphabet “H” and take photo with him/her.
c. Form a star shape with any number of people in the team and take a photo of the star formed.
Station 3
Clue: PUMPING happens
Answer: HEARTland Mall
a. Solve the photo puzzle; look for the image in the photo and take picture of it.
b. Solve Sudoku.
c. Take 5 photos of any shop with the word “Fa” (chinese character) in the shop name.
Station 4
3(500/5) + (5X4) + √81 = ____
Answer: Blk 329 Serangoon Ave 3 (Joanna's House!)
Every team have to pick a toothpick with colour marking that indicate which bucket they have.
Every team have to pick up ALL the polo sweet from the various buckets!
One bucket with Oil & Noodles.
One bucket with SOTONG!
One bucket with WORMS!!!!
The 1st one who complete the task is the bucket with SOTONG one!
Then the 2nd one who complete the task is the bucket with Noodles & Oil.
Last but not least, the bucket with WORMS!!
Anyway CONGRATS to ALL brave ones, especially to the team which have the bucket with WORMS! I'm impressed with Heng Hui's speed of picking up those polo sweet among the WORMS!
Last Station
Clue: 24667 x 24667 = 38151316 x 38151316
Answer: Chomp Chomp
a. The Team have to find the game master when they reach the station.
b. Meanwhile, the team have to be ready as the game master will test them any of the bible verses.
Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Champion team: Joanna's team consisting of Alex Jiaxiang & Fiona
1st Runner-up: Desmond's team consisting of Jasper Yi Hao Delyn Serene
2nd Runner-up: Kit Meng's team consisting of John Chang Heng Hui & Sindy
Congratz to ALL who survived through the race! woot~
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Relationship (by Ps Kevin Loo)
Jesus did the same. He went into His disciples’ world in the first place. He met them at their workplace. Jesus was genuinely interested in their livelihood. From there, He built a strong bond with them and it was through His relationship with the 12 disciples that Jesus transformed our world for the better. He ensured that the person’s soul is privy to any healings or miracles that are going to take place. This is something very important that we must learn from Jesus. We cannot neglect this part of life, no matter how big our business or our ministry has become. Relationship is always a priority. The moment we take this for granted, we will begin to see our life’s work going downhill. We will lose the beauty of serving and ministering to one another. We will take ministry as a job, a chore instead of a privilege and a call. I have seen many people fail in this area. Instead of pleasing the heart of the LORD, they begin to please their own desires. This causes them to drive for results instead of a genuine care and concern.
What was Jesus’ identity? Was He a leader who served or was He a servant who led? Was being a leader His identity or being a servant His identity? If being a servant was His identity then what was His task? This is a serious question that we must ask ourselves. Am I here as a servant with the task to lead or am I here as a leader who serve? If we are the latter, then what happens to our identity after our job of serving is done? Do I expect to be served? Do I lord over others?
This is a question you need to answer for yourself.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Movie Outing
There is Irene, John Goh, Jasper, Kit Meng, Desmond, Joanna, Kai Lin, John Chang, Fiona, Jiaxiang, Heng Hui, Marc, Deline, Serene, Ivan, Hans, Si Bao & Marc's friend. (PS: help fill his name.)
There is a total of 19 of us watching the movie! WOW!
Had a great time right?!
More updates on Irene's Birthday & ECP Outing when i get the pictures!