Monday, August 4, 2008

Relationship (by Ps Kevin Loo)

Relationship is a big thing in life. It precedes ministry and gives us the right and privilege to speak into people’s lives. As a leader, we need to first build relationship before we can begin discipleship. That means we need to first invest time and attention into their lives. We need to go into their world to understand them in order to meet their needs better.

Jesus did the same. He went into His disciples’ world in the first place. He met them at their workplace. Jesus was genuinely interested in their livelihood. From there, He built a strong bond with them and it was through His relationship with the 12 disciples that Jesus transformed our world for the better. He ensured that the person’s soul is privy to any healings or miracles that are going to take place. This is something very important that we must learn from Jesus. We cannot neglect this part of life, no matter how big our business or our ministry has become. Relationship is always a priority. The moment we take this for granted, we will begin to see our life’s work going downhill. We will lose the beauty of serving and ministering to one another. We will take ministry as a job, a chore instead of a privilege and a call. I have seen many people fail in this area. Instead of pleasing the heart of the LORD, they begin to please their own desires. This causes them to drive for results instead of a genuine care and concern.

What was Jesus’ identity? Was He a leader who served or was He a servant who led? Was being a leader His identity or being a servant His identity? If being a servant was His identity then what was His task? This is a serious question that we must ask ourselves. Am I here as a servant with the task to lead or am I here as a leader who serve? If we are the latter, then what happens to our identity after our job of serving is done? Do I expect to be served? Do I lord over others?

This is a question you need to answer for yourself.

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